Earth Science

Earth science is the study of the Earth's structure, properties, processes, and four and a half billion years of biotic evolution. It encompasses all fields of natural sciences and the synergistic linkages of Earth's four spheres: the biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and geosphere.Earth science includes the study of geology, oceanography, meteorology, and astronomy, as well as the interactions between the Earth's various subsystems. It seeks to understand the Earth's physical and biological systems, and how they have evolved over time, in order to better predict and manage natural hazards, protect our environment, and sustainably manage our planet's resources.
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Earth science plays a vital role in our society because every activity we do is connected to the physical Earth. Here, we can get the resources from such as minerals, fishes, or even the clothes we wear today. Understanding Earth science is not just all about that because we get to learn how Earth is formed and how enormous land masses and water forms on Earth emerged. Lastly, Earth science is important because we learn how complex the processes that occur on our planet, so as humans we need to understand and protect our planet.
Earth science knowledge enables us to think globally and act locally— to make sound decisions about issues important in our lives as individuals and citizens. People who understand how Earth systems work can make informed decisions about where to buy or build a home out of harm’s way. They can debate and resolve issues surrounding clean water, urban planning and development, national security, global climate change, and the use and management of natural resources.An informed society, conscious of our complex relationships with our planet, recognizes the importance and insists on Earth science education at all grade levels— elementary, secondary, and adult education. When we emphasize Earth science education, everyone benefits.
The need to have a robust earth science education system around the globe should be intensified. The ride will be bumpy, steep and often full of hurdles and will require a strong and motivated workforce. Therefore, all the concerned will have to share the burden of responsibilities as we proceed further in the evolutionary path. Geologists have to take a multidisciplinary approach to save destruction and help mankind to make Earth a sustainable and healthy planet. A basic earth science education is required to be included in the academic curriculum across the planet. Thus, a global project aimed to propagate awareness in earth sciences is very important to avoid mass death tolls and destructions from earthly catastrophes.
The knowledge gained and the services provided by earth scientists help society cope with its environment in many ways. Their knowledge about the structure, stratigraphy, and chemical composition of the earth's crust helps us locate resources that sustain and advance our quality of life. Understanding the forces in the crust, and the natural processes on the surface allows us to anticipate natural disasters such as volcanoes and earthquakes, and geologic environments, such as damaging mining practices or improper waste disposal, gives us information to correct such practices and design more benign procedures for the future. Finally, a comprehensive perception of planetary physics will allow us to anticipate major changes in global environmental conditions and control or acclimate to those changes.

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